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Showing posts from October, 2021

A Review of “Halloween Kills (2021)”

  Halloween is such a weird franchise with its constant reboots and different timelines, weird 3rd anthology movie and Busta Rhymes. Halloween (2018) was a surprisingly decent sequel/reboot and I was definitely interested in a sequel. So does this sequel live up to the 2018 version or is this another failed sequel? Firstly, it does live up to the title as Michael Myers kills A LOT of people. The kills are also quite enjoyable to watch and it is a blast to see him take down multiple individuals. Actually, Every scene featuring Michael Myers is a highlight including him stalking his prey is fun to watch. There is also a flashbacks sequence that occurs in this film that involves using a filter to make it seem like the original 1978 movie. They also used makeup instead of CGI to bring back Dr Loomis and it looks phenomenal. The scene also fixes a plot hole from the 2018 version so that was appreciated. Surprisingly, Halloween Kills explores some social commentary about mob m

A Review of “Dune (2021)”

  Honestly, I have not read the 1965 novel that this is based on nor the 1984 film by David Lynch. However, I am a huge fan of the director Denis Villeneuve and loved all the films he has made so far. The premise is “Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet’s exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence, only those who can conquer their own fear will survive”. So is this another hit by Denis or his first work I don’t like? Let’s get the obvious out the way first, Dune (2021) is a visual spectacle! The cinematography by Greig Fraser is wonderful. Every shot in Dune is gorgeous whilst also capturing the beautiful and grand nature of the otherworld planets. The costume and set department also do a wonderful job of really making it seem f

A Review of “Squid Game (2021)”

  One of the biggest sensations on Netflix right now is surprisingly a Korean show. I am all for Korean stuff as there is some amazing stuff from Korea that surpass western movies and shows. The premise is “Hundreds of cash-strapped players accept a strange invitation to compete in children’s games. Inside, a tempting prize awaits with deadly high stakes. A survival game that has a whopping 45.6 billion-won prize at stake”. So is Squid Game worth the hype or another forgettable show in Netflix large backlog? Firstly, I love the concept of the show and the themes they explore. Battle royales have been done before for example The Hunger Games. However, the way it is utilized here feels way more impactful. The deaths here feels more meaningful and messed up but never gratuitous. One thing that this series does differently is that the games they play are children games. It makes it amusing to watch grown adults play children games. Another different aspect is that the charac

A Review of “No Time to Die (2021)”

  I have loved Daniel Craig’s era of Bond, especially the more gritty and grounded take. I was disappointed by his previous outing, Spectre (2016), but felt like it was a fine conclusion for his Bond. Therefore, I was genuinely surprised when it was announced that Craig would do one more Bond movie. So is this a great final outing for Craig or was it time for it to die? Firstly, this is a way more satisfying conclusion than Spectre (2016). After watching this, I felt happy at how the story was treated and how James Bond was handled. On that note, I love how emotionally personal this story is for Bond which I haven’t felt since his first outing; Casino Royale (2006). It felt like there was an actual reason and personal stakes for Bond to be invested this time instead of it just being a mission. I also liked that the threat this time is bigger than any threat Bond faced before. It felt like it was a potential world scale disaster which is fitting for the final Craig movie.

A Review of “Marvel’s What If…? (2021)”

  Marvel’s What If is their first attempt at an animation show. “What If…? explores the various alternate timelines of the multiverse in which major moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films occur differently”. So does What If deliver a fascinating multiverse tale or is it just whatever? WARNING: SLIGHT SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW! Firstly, I love the concept of the show. I am a sucker for the multiverse idea so Marvel’s What If exploring the consequence of one small change in MCU movies was very intriguing. Some of the ideas they pick are great as well such as Doctor Strange losing his love instead of his hand, what if Ultron won and even a full-on zombie episode. The Doctor Strange episode (episode 4) is an honestly amazing story and is the one that manages to pack the most punch. It tells a more emotional story than the actual film does. I also think bringing back t

A Review of “Free Guy (2021)”

  Video game adaption movies are notorious for being atrociously bad. There have been some good video game movies recently, but never great. Then there are video game movies such as Wreck-it Ralph and Ready Player One that are centred around video games. Free Guy is another video game movie that is centred around it. The premise is “When a bank teller discovers he’s actually a background player in an open-world video game, he decides to become the hero of his own story – one that he can rewrite himself. In a world where there are no limits, he’s determined to save the day his way before it’s too late, and maybe find a little romance with the coder who conceived him”. So is Free Guy a great movie or something to be shut down? Firstly, the concept of an NPC becoming more self-aware is such a great idea. The whole concept is so intriguing and engaging but what amazes me is that Free Guy succeeds in the delivery and the landing. The story is also surprisingly good as Guy try

A Review of “Old (2021)"

M. Night Shyamalan is such a fascinating director, you never know what you’re going to get with him. He has made some of the most memorable movies with the best twist in cinema history and he has made some of the worst movies I have ever seen. It’s like a flip of a coin, the head is good and the tail is a bad movie situation. The premise of Old is “A family on a tropical holiday who discover that the secluded beach where they are relaxing for a few hours is somehow causing them to age rapidly reducing their entire lives into a single day”. So does Old (2021) land on heads or tails? Firstly, I love the idea and concept of this movie. The idea of a thriller and mystery story about a beach that ages people is such a unique concept. I also like the themes that are explored, such as people being too focused on the past or the future instead of the present, people’s mortality and family dynamic changing with time. There are also some genuinely unnerving scenes, such as a surge