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Showing posts from June, 2022

A Review of “Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)”

  Obi-Wan Kenobi has been one of the most anticipated Star Wars show for me. While I didn’t like the prequels apart from Revenge of the Sith, I liked Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan and Hayden Christensen as Anakin. So I was thrilled when it was revealed that both would be returning for this new series. So is the show a great return of the Jedi or dry like sand? Ewan McGregor gives a great performance as Obi-Wan to the point it feels like he never left. I also love that the show gives him more layers by showing that his “killing” of Anakin has traumatized him. He is a very broken person at the beginning but we see him grow into the Obi-Wan we see in A New Hope. Hayden is great when he appears and I love the way he moves as Vader. It is exactly like the way Vader moved in the original trilogy. Although, it seems that Hayden and two other stuntmen helped portray Vader so it isn’t entirely Hayden. Moreover, Hayden is still being dubbed over by James Earl Jones so he isn’t in it muc

A “QUICK!” Review of “Mirai (2018)”

  Mirai is definitely not going to be a movie for everyone. For starters, the main character of this film is a very bratty 4-year-old. The child can be extremely irritating to watch to the point of being unlikeable. It’s worsen when everyone else is so nice and likeable, including the new baby sister. However, that is the intention of the film. The whole focus of Mirai is seeing this bratty kid learn important life lessons and growing into a more capable individual and a better brother for the new sister. Fantasy elements such as seeing an anthropomorphic dog or a middle school age version of his sister are there to give him these lessons in more interesting ways. This leads to some amazing visuals and animation with some stellar sequences. Additionally, the music is great and elevates the scenes. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. It’s not a movie with high-end stakes but it is a meaningful story that has a wonderful ending. I highly recommend giving Mirai a watch because it h

A “QUICK!” Review of “Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (2018)”

  Maquia is a magically wonderful movie. The relationship between a mother who could live for 100s of years and a normal mortal living child makes for an engaging story. There was definitely some worries that the story might go in “that” direction. Thankfully the movie sticks to the mother and son theme and it is all the better for it. Even though you know how this film is going to end from the get go, it still manages to tug on your emotional strings. The art style is gorgeous with beautiful backgrounds and stylish character designs. There are some CGI incorporated which is especially noticeable for the dragons but it’s never that off-putting. The music score is phenomenal as well, having been composed by the legendary Kenji Kawai or IP Man and Ghost in the Shell fame. The main characters, Maquia and Ariel, are great with a strong supporting cast as well. The only issues I had is with some slow pacing and the fact that some subplots don’t have as strong of a resolution

A Review of “Jurassic World Dominion (2022)”

  I loved the first Jurassic Park (1993) film and still think it’s an amazingly enjoyable movie. Unfortunately, every entry after is never as good or even downright bad. Jurassic World Dominion is the final entry in the Jurassic World trilogy and the one that unites the cast of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World together. To see the return of the main trio from Jurassic Park was the biggest reason I was looking forward to this film. Does Jurassic World Dominion stick the landing or is it just a big pile of s#*%? One thing that the Jurassic World franchise has done better and better is the visuals. Jurassic World Dominion has no doubt the best visuals and cinematography of all the films so far. There are some pretty great shots of dinosaurs without a doubt. There are also some pretty fun action sequences. For example, in Malta where dinosaurs are chasing Chris Pratt and Bryce throughout the city. The part in Malta also explores the black market of Dinosaurs and that was pre

A Review of “Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul (2020)”

  Made in Abyss is one of the best animes to come out in recent years. It’s stunning world building with gorgeous animation. I found the series oddly mesmerizing with it’s cutesy style yet grim and dark tone. With season 2 recently announced I decided to finally watch the movie which is set after season 1 but before season 2. The biggest standout in this film is Bondrewd who is just an amazing antagonist. He is loving and compassionate with no genuine ill will to the protagonists but will commit horrible things with no remorse. He wants to discover all the mysteries of the abyss and believes everything he does is completely justified. Even when people don’t agree with him, he is genuinely fine with it and doesn’t harper any negative feelings towards them. This makes him such an interesting character! His relationship with Nanachi is the main focus of the story and it’s definitely very engaging. Kevin Penkin returns to compose the music for the film and it is still as be

A “QUICK!” Review of “Saekano the Movie: Finale (2019)”

Saekano was one of the few harem shows that was actually interesting and well executed. I really loved the first two seasons and was hoping for a 3rd season but instead they decided to just wrap it up in a movie format. I think the movie definitely delivers on providing a satisfying finale while wrapping up the romance aspect. The animation and art were fantastic, the music was great and the story was simple yet engaging. The post credit scene is also incredibly wild! The limited runtime of a movie does result in some issues such as some characters, Michiru and Izumi, having minimal screen time and relevance to the plot. Due to the plot having more focus on the romanctic development, the game development process is brushed over quickly which might not be to everyone’s liking. My one personal issue is that Utaha doesn’t get that one to one resolution with Tomoya. It’s weird because Megumi and Eriri do but Utaha doesn’t, which is kind of jarring. Overall, the movie is grea

A “QUICK!” Review of “Gintama: The Very Final (2021)”

  It’s hard to believe that the original anime started over 15 years ago and was finally coming to an end. Gintama was so incredibly unique with it’s very meta comedy, characters and setting. What made it an amazing series was how good it was at doing comedy stories and serious stories while blending both together. Gintama the final adapts the final arc of the manga and puts it into a movie format. It has all the qualities that make Gintama great and gives the fans a satisfying conclusion to the story. However, the movie does end up feeling more like a half season anime show than a movie. It would’ve been nice if they went a bit more out in terms of animation quality. Overall, It’s nice to have a completed series that stuck the landing. There will probably never be a series like Gintama and I am glad I’ve watched it!

A “QUICK!” Review of “Bubble (2022)”

  Netflix has been investing in a lot of original anime projects and Bubble (2022) is one of them. This project had big build up when it was announced that Wit Studio, who animated the first 3 seasons of Attack on Titan, was involved in this movie. It also had the director and producer of the first 3 seasons of Attack on Titan and legendary writer, Gen Urobochi, of Madoka Magica and Psycho pass fame was writing for Bubble (2022). It was also revealed one of the best anime composers, Sawano Hiroyuki, was going to compose for this film. It just screamed amazing! So imagine my disappointment after watching this film when it turned out to be quite bland. Yes the animation is phenomenal, the music score is god tier and the world itself is pretty interesting. However, the plot is just a very typical boy meets girl situation and it never goes beyond that whatsoever. The characters are just generic, one dimensional and forgettable. I never connect or root for the main characters

A “QUICK!” Review of “KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Legend of Crimson (2019)”

  The movie does end up feeling more like 4-5 episodes of the show stitched together then an actual movie. Especially considering that the animation quality is more or less the same as the show and not remotely better. However, that isn’t necessarily bad as that means it inherits all the things that we loved from the show. The comedy is still on point, the characters are lovable dummies and the over the top nature of everything is still here. It’s basically just half a season of Konosuba and that’s fine.