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Showing posts from July, 2022

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Black Phone (2022)”

  Me: Are you going to explain why the Grabber kidnaps kids and kills them? Director: No Me: Why the Grabber wears a mask? Director: No Me: Why characters have supernatural powers? Director: No but we can give you a shirtless Ethan Hawke Me: Nice

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)”

  The most important lesson to come out of this movie is that Paddington 2 is one of the best movies of all time. Other than that, it’s a pretty generic action comedy with the meta nature of Nick Cage playing Nick Cage. Unfortunately, there are stakes put into the film which slightly dampens the fun. I wish the movie was just Nick and Pedro vibing because those were the best parts of the film.

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Gray Man (2022)”

  The story in The Gray Man isn’t exactly interesting, the characters are one dimensional, the writing and quips don’t really work all the time, there are some shaky camera and over edits for SOME action sequences. However, a majority of the action scenes are pretty entertaining and there are a fair amount of them. Plus, the biggest reason to see The Gray Man is to simply see Ryan Gosling be an action star and Chris Evans as an over the top villain. The film delivers on this aspect and that’s perfectly fine.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Lightyear (2022)”

  If it weren’t for that dumb irrelevant text crawl at the beginning and the fact that Toy Story has already established lore about the character of Buzz Lightyear, I honestly would’ve accepted the choices made in this film. Ignoring that, the film is a pretty straightforward and fun adventure film that I can definitely see kids enjoying. It’s got the Pixar charm of amazing and beautiful animation with a stellar score from Michael Giacchino. The voice over work is okay, there are some scenes where I feel the actors aren’t properly conveying the emotion of the scene well. It also suffers from a weak story, bad writing and not very likeable characters. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be but it’s definitely not as stellar as it should be.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)”

  A lot of what made the first movie great is still pretty much here. Ben Schwartz is still great as the voice of Sonic, Jim Carrey is still a blast to watch and there are still some fun Sonic action sequences. Tails is finally here and the crazy thing is that they bring back the game voice actress for Tails, Colleen O'Shaughnesse. It seems that no one can play Tails except her. On the other hand, for Knuckles, they brought in Idris Elba who does a great job in the role. The story is pretty simple and predictable but it’s got a nice message and that’s good for a movie aimed at kids. I also really enjoyed that a majority of the focus of this movie is on Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman. The rest of the human characters are in the backseat and that is great! Unfortunately, the sequel does have problems with the first being its runtime. This movie is 2 hours long, 20 minutes longer than the first movie, and it certainly shows. There is a moment in the movie where they d

A Review of “Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)”

  Who would’ve thought that the only MCU character (so far) to get 4 solo films would be Thor? The first Thor movie was an okay introduction and the second one was quite bland. In came Taika Waititi with Thor Ragnarok (2017), who made Thor a charismatic and fun character. Thor Ragnarok was no doubt one of the funniest and most enjoyable movies in the Thor franchise so far. It was no wonder that I was looking forward to Thor Love and Thunder when it was revealed Taika was returning as director. So did Thor: Love and Thunder deliver more fun or was this a big thundering step backwards? Firstly, Christian Bale was phenomenal as Gorr, the antagonist, in this film. He delivered an amazingly unsettling performance that made him incredibly creepy. He also delivers on the sorrowful moments as well that make him very sympathetic. Amazingly, he can be both frightening and yet kind of root for him. Natalie Portman finally returns to the Thor franchise as Jane Foster after being abs

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Lost City (2022)”

  It’s unfortunate that the adventure itself isn’t very ambitious, the action set pieces aren’t that exciting, the comedy isn’t super funny. However, what movie is going to give you the experience of seeing Channing Tatum’s buttocks covered with leeches in full glory?

A Review of “Stranger Things Season 4 (2022)”

  Stranger things returns after a long 3-year wait. While I enjoyed Stranger Things season 3, it leaned way too much on the cheesiness and comedy than the tense drama and horror. Stranger things season 4 feels like a return back to form and it is wonderful. This season also contains one of the best antagonists of the series so far in Vecna. He is genuinely a proper threat to the cast and for the first time properly, it is hard to say if the cast will make it out alive. There is also a new character who sort of joins the crew and that is Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn). He is a great addition and has meshed well with the younger and older crews of Hawkins.  The story continues to be extremely engaging. We have the cast at Hawkins dealing with gruesome murders, we have Hopper trying to escape Russia while Joyce and Murray try to save him, we discover more about Eleven’s past and her training arc, and Max becomes a bigger focus with her dealing with the aftermath of her brother