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Showing posts from August, 2022

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Northman (2022)”

  The Northman has a simple revenge story. Yet it is somehow still a very unique film thanks to the director Robert Eggers. The Viking setting, the use of Norse mythology, the gorgeous cinematography and visuals, the way characters speak, the phenomenal performances, the bloody action sequences, the terrific music score, the historically accurate costumes and the set design, Anna Taylor’s buttocks! All of these manage to elevate a generic story into some truly distinct and breathtaking. The movie isn’t going to be for everyone. The dialogue can feel a bit corny, the supernatural elements can feel a bit weird and the pacing isn’t as intense as one would expect for a revenge story. Despite all that, I enjoyed what Robert gave us and it is definitely a Viking film to remember.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Gunpowder Milkshake (2021)”

  The story and characters are unfortunately very bare bone. It doesn’t help that some of the action is incredibly goofy and has fights that rely on the men being idiots. However, the action is very stylistic, with some nice use of blood and gore. Plus the score composed by Frank Ilfman is very good and there is some great use of music within the film. The cast do a pretty good job as well. The movie is enjoyable if all you want to see is someone get stabbed or shot.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Thirteen Lives (2022)”

  I was always aware of the Thai Cave rescue but I never truly understood the challenge that the people faced during the rescue. This film succeeds in giving me an appreciation for everyone involved in this rescue. Ron Howard delivers a gripping dramatization of the story and manages to keep it suspenseful, despite knowing the resolution. I also appreciate that the movie isn’t just about the British Cavers and that the movie gives a lot of focus to what the Thai people die as well. It also helps that all the actors from Viggo, Colin to the Thai actors, give a great performance. Thirteen Lives is a great retelling of the rescue and I highly recommend it.

A Review of “Elvis (2022)”

  There are some weird choices made in the film that I am not entirely fond of. For example, the soundtrack incorporates modern songs such as rap and hip hop at points and it is very jarring. Why am I hearing Dojo Cat in an Elvis movie? The movie does something different by having it from the POV of Tom Parker, Elvis’s manager, played by Tom Hanks. I’m mixed about this as it felt like we got more emphasis on Parker’s bad deeds and his manipulation of Elvis rather than Elvis’s actual struggles. Hanks’s performance felt very one note as well which is a shame as I think he is an amazing actor but I just don’t think he was the right actor for the role. The movie is also very chaotic as it tries to speedrun through Elvis’s life. This lead to a very rushed and disjointed film while also brushing over a lot of the interesting things in Elvis’s life.  I also wished that showed more of Elvis’s talent as a musician rather than making it seem like his wiggling is what made him grea

A “QUICK!” Review of “Prey (2022)”

  One of the best main characters in the predator franchise! I love the character growth from this top tier tracker to a badass fighter! It felt so believable when they confronted the predator! The Dog is an example of how to make a great protagonist! I guess everyone else is okay as well…

A “QUICK!” Review of “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018)”

  Came in for the clickbait title! Came out in tears… The story is indeed very cliche and blatant in its attempt to tug at your heartstrings. The animation feels wooden and stiff at times, there are an overuse of filters in certain scenes, the main character is very stoic and the girl overly energetic which can affect how people view the film. However, to me, they don’t damage the movie. Overall, the movie is still incredibly engaging and heart-warming despite the foreboding sadness when it comes to watching it.