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Showing posts from October, 2022

A “QUICK!” Review of “Barbarian (2022)”

  God I love a horror movie that scares you through the suspense, tension and visuals without jump scares galore. A breath of fresh air in the horror genre!

A Review of “Halloween Ends (2022)”

  Halloween Ends is the conclusion to the 3rd reboot in this convoluted franchise. Halloween (2018) was an enjoyable movie and made for a perfectly great finale. Unfortunately, it got the “franchise milking” treatment. It was followed up by Halloween Kills which was bad. This made me worried about the quality of Halloween Ends. So is this the satisfying end to Michael Myers or should he have stayed dead in the fire in 2018? Let’s get the positive out of the way first. Jamie Lee Curtis is still awesome as Laurie Strode. She manages to convey the vulnerability of her character after the loss of her daughter in Halloween Kills but still be badass when she needs to. The first couple of minutes of the film is pretty good too. It has suspense and a pretty fun kill. The actual anticipated fight between Laurie and Michael Myers is thoroughly entertaining as well. There are also some enjoyable kills with one concerning a ‘tongue’ which is quite memorable. However, that is where t

A Review of “Hellraiser (2022)”

  Hellraiser is the next horror franchise to get a reboot. I kind of expected it to be awful but was pleasantly surprised by the film. The Cenobites, who are the real stars of this film, look frightening and creepy which is great! Jamie Clayton is the new Pinhead/Priest and she does a phenomenal job. She steals every scene she is in and is truly intimidating. I love the direction of every scene with the Cenobites as well. The director uses creepy set designs and lighting to make the Cenobites feel unsettling. I’m appreciative that the director doesn’t use jump scares for the Cenobites. I do have an issue with the movie and that is I think the movie is a bit too restrained in terms of plot and kills. The kills are also kind of fun to watch but it does certainly feel a bit tame in terms of gore. Another issue I have is the human characters. They’re not very likeable or interesting. I found it difficult to root for the main characters and I certainly didn’t care when a side

A “QUICK!” Review of “Werewolf by Night (2022)”

  More like Monkey by Night. Nevertheless, this is one of the more interesting and creative Marvel projects in recent years. The black and white, film grainy visual style gives it that great 40s horror movie vibes which I love. I also adore the use of shadows and practical effects, which is a breath of fresh air in Marvel’s overuse of CG. The actors also do a great job in illustrating their personalities in this short run time. The soundtrack is also wonderful but this is expected of Michael who is also directing this special as well. My only complaint is that I actually wish it was longer! This is an impressive director debut from Michael Giacchino and I’m looking forward to seeing more of him in the director’s chair. More of this please!

A “QUICK!” Review of “Bullet Train (2022)”

  With colourful characters, an engaging mystery plot, funny dialogue and banter, stylistic visuals and crazy action sequences.  David Leitch continues to show that he is capable of making stellar action films. There are some flaws with the plot taking a while to take off due to spending a lot of flashbacks to explain all the characters and motives in the beginning. The plot is slightly convoluted and over-padded causing the film to feel much longer than necessary. However, Bullet Train is wildly entertaining once it takes off, resulting in the most hectic action movies of the year so far. Special praise to both Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry who are the most enjoyable duo in this film!

A “QUICK!” Review of “Blonde (2022)”

  Biopics usually have 3 things it has to do. Show what made them so talented and great while showing the positive/negative things that occurred in their life. Biopics are never completely truthful and do a fair amount of dramatization but a lot of the main beats have to be truthful. The most important of all is to be respectful to the person they are telling a story of as they are or were a real individual. Blonde does none of that. It has no heart or soul and instead is just 2 hours 46 minutes of exhausting trauma, porn and dullness. The film acts like an artsy film but it just feels very pretentious and insulting to all the real people and the audience. The director doesn’t seem to be interested in her actual life but in the terrible rumours surrounding Monroe instead. The director then turned these rumours into a long soft porn film. Do yourself a favour and don’t watch this…