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Showing posts from January, 2023

A “QUICK!” Review of “M3GAN (2023)”

  M3GAN has a lot of silly things that don’t make any sense but there are two major things in this movie that I have gripes with. The fact that a toy company made M3GAN, not Boston Dynamics or something. Also, the fact that a super-smart AI robot would sing “Titanium” by Sia as a lullaby song. Who would be able to sleep with Titanium? That is a banger that I would dance too!

A “QUICK!” Review of “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022)”

  Dreamwork didn’t need to go this hard for a sequel to a spinoff from over a decade ago but DAMN! The animation is stylistic, vibrant and gorgeous with animation that is inspired by the Spiderverse movies. Every frame is whacky and creative! The story is also wonderfully done despite the short runtime. It gives a very poignant and meaningful message to the audience. What surprised me the most though was the action scenes! Those action scenes are choreographed so well! I don’t like milking a franchise for over 20 years but this film gives me slight hope that the next entry might be worth watching.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (2022)”

  2022 was a weird year as we had 3 different versions of the Pinocchio story. We had ‘Pinocchio: A True Story’ which had a fruity voice and was laughably bad. We had Disney’s Pinocchio remake which had no heart and soul whatsoever. A clear cash grab. In comes Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio which completely blows both of those rubbish adaptions out of the water. With stunning stop-motion animation, a darker tone, and a more emotional story with a meaningful and bittersweet message. Guillermo del Toro makes many changes to the classic story that keeps it fresh. It’s clear passion was put into this and the final result is magical! Also, Cate Blancett makes a bunch of Monkey noises, it’s worth paying to see that alone!

A “QUICK!” Review of “RRR (2022)”

  This movie was a wild rollercoaster! One moment it’s a tragic drama. Next, it’s a superhero movie. Next, it’s a cheesy, bromance movie. Next, it’s a dance musical. Next, it’s an intense thriller. Next, it’s a rom-com. Next, it’s an awesome action movie. Tonally, this movie shouldn’t work but it does! It has great storytelling that delivers on the comedy and emotional beats. It also has amazing cinematography and a terrific soundtrack. The action scenes are so amazing and badass. The movie is paced so well, that I forgot it was even 3 hours! One of the main characters throws a tiger onto someone else and beats up people with a motorcycle! That’s enough of a reason to watch RRR!

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Menu (2022)”

  Look if Voldemort is cooking you a dish, you better savour it. I love how the movie split into courses like the food provided to the characters. Each section has a food description and it is utilized for a great joke!

A Review of “Smile (2022)”

  Smile is a horror film directed by Parker Finn in his feature directorial debut. For someone’s directorial debut, this is very impressive. There are deeply unsettling visuals and proper tension. The movie is reliant on jump scare and it can get tedious. However, there is a fair amount of jump scare with good build-up and payoff which did scare me. I also love the sound design in this film. The director uses it effectively to create a creepy feeling. The first 2 acts of the film are well done. We see our main character Rose (Sosie Bacon) slowly descend into madness as the ‘curse’ becomes more prominent. On that note, Sosie Bacon is phenomenal as the main lead. She gives a convincing performance of someone who is losing their mind. Nevertheless, this film falls into a lot of the generic tropes of a horror movie. Its plot isn’t original, you’ve seen it in films like It Follows and The Ring. It has a lot of the same beat-for-beat elements you’ve seen a dozen times. Even th