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Showing posts from October, 2023

A “QUICK!” Review of “Five Nights at Freddy’s (2023)”

  Five Nights at Freddy’s is a great concept. A person is provided a job as a security guard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and things become weirder each night. That sounds like a great horror movie. It’s a shame this isn’t remotely it. The movie is an actual slog fest that is more focused on adapting the lore, rather than being a competent horror movie. The games are notable for their jump scares and this movie only had 2 which is mind-boggling. I dislike horror movies that are reliant on jump scares but this movie would have actually benefitted if it had more because it was so boring. This movie not being scary at all, is my biggest disappointment. The plot is stupid, the characters are uninteresting, and a lot of the scenes are incredibly goofy (that fort-building scene sticks in my mind). Still, the animatronics look terrific and the set design feels like it was pulled right from the games. It is also filled with easter eggs that fans will love. The sound design is also

A Review of “Gran Turismo (2023)”

  Gran Turismo is the next PlayStation IP to be adapted to the big screen. Their first attempt with Uncharted wasn’t good but The Last of Us TV series was great. I was already interested in the idea of this movie but was further interested because of the director, Neill Blomkamp. He has not made anything as good as his first movie, District 9. Has Neill managed to return to form or is this another forgettable entry from him? Firstly, David Harbour is terrific in this movie as Jack Salter. He plays the old tough mentor to the main character and he plays it so well. David just delivers those powerful speeches with such weariness and charm. Orlando Bloom is also great in this film as the marketing executive at Nissan. Orlando gives a charismatic yet slight sliminess to his performance that is so fitting for a person in marketing. Djimon Hounsou is wonderful in the role of the Dad. He is playing a Dad who is disappointed in his son for just playing video games. A character li

A Review of “Saw X (2023)”

  SAW is one of those franchises that I feel like it should have ended long ago. SAW III had the iconic villain die but nope the franchise continued. SAW 3D was titled the final chapter but nope the franchise continued. Somehow, this franchise managed to get to its 10th entry but is there any worth to it or is this just another pointless cash grab? Firstly, I love how this entry does something different. For the first time in the series, John Kramer himself is the main protagonist. Previous entries would usually have a protagonist who is trying to survive his traps. We get a lot more insight into his moral code and we get to see a more human side to him. One thing this film does well is make us fully in support of Jigsaw. Sometimes Jigsaw will make certain people be involved in his games but it is very questionable whether they deserve it. This is not the case in SAW X as the antagonists are just vile human beings who prey on sick individuals. Additionally, having this mo

A Review of “Haunted Mansion (2023)”

  Haunted Mansion is Disney’s second attempt at making a movie based on the titled ride. The 2003 version starring Eddie Murphy was critically not well received and flopped at the box office. However, it has a cult following nowadays and honestly, it’s a decently fun movie. Does this second attempt deliver more or is it just another failed attempt at turning another ride into the next Pirates of the Caribbean? One of the biggest things you will get out of this film is how amazing Lakeith Stanfield is as the main lead. He delivers a standout performance with some genuinely strong emotional performance from him. This is thanks to how his character is written. It is surprising to see Disney have an adult character dealing with loss and still grieving from it. He is also an introverted character with anxiety issues which is not something you see a lot from main characters in big IPs. His character is the heart and most engaging element. His character development is a wonderf

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023)”

  Wes Anderson is such a wonderful director. His distinct style is so unique and so incredibly charming. This new short film is Wes Anderson’s second foray into a Roald Dahl story. The usual flair of the director is still here but this movie is different from what he normally does. The movie feels like a book that is being read to us but with visuals that are like a theatre show. Every character says what they are thinking and what they are feeling. We can see people moving the sets and moving things onto scenes. It can be difficult to get used to and the pacing is incredibly fast. However, I oddly enjoyed the whimsical and unique telling of the story. It was a wonderful story and more should know the story of Henry Sugar.

A “QUICK!” Review of “Blue Beetle (2023)”

  What it does well is have a strong cast with a great main lead of Xolo Mariduena as Jamie Reyes. The costume department and designers also did a terrific job on the suit. When you see it practically, it looks like they brought the suit from the comics to life. There are also some very fun and well-choreographed action scenes. Unfortunately, the writing is just not up to par and suffers from all the cliche tropes of origin movies. The first act is a drag to get through with its slow pacing and the writing for the family dynamic is not funny. The plot is predictable and the villain is another entry in the same as good guy but evil! There is also many question about plot points such as how Jamie is against killing but is okay for others to do it. Overall, it’s a fine movie to kill 2 hours with and at least it’s better than the previous DC entries.

A “QUICK!” Review of “No One Will Save You (2023)”

  I am always interested in people doing something new and this film certainly does that. It already felt different when the premise was a home invasion with aliens. However, it also has minimal dialogue with maybe 5 whole dialogue throughout the whole 90 minutes. Massive props to the lead actress, Kaitlyn Dever, as the main character Brynn. She has the job of conveying the emotions of her character solely by facial and body language which she succeeds at. I also love the first 2 acts of this film as the tension and horror amounts. This film is not going to be for everyone. The lack of dialogue might annoy people and make it difficult for people to invest in the character. The last act and ending are a forceful way to tie everything together, and not everyone will understand it. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this one massively and hope to see more interesting films like this one.