An excellent homage to the original director, Wes Craven, of Scream 1-4. It includes the expected meta-commentary on the horror genre and I love that the franchise is still self-aware about it. It also includes some very gruesome kills and some good scares.
It has returning legacy characters and they are all still great in the role. Of the new younger cast, only the main character Sam Carpenter is memorable. The rest of the cast are quite forgettable and all of them ramble about the rules of horror/slasher rather than just one person in the original. They can also ramble about it for a bit too long. The Ghostface revelation is a bit disappointing as the motive is incredibly weak and there is a severe lack of foreshadowing for it.
Overall, not as great as Wes Craven was at his best but never as bad as his more disappointing entries (Scream 3). It’s a pretty entertaining movie and a good entry in the franchise.
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