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Showing posts from April, 2022

A Review of “Uncharted (2022)”

  Uncharted is one of the best action-adventure video game franchises. It was like an interactive film that was inspired by films such as Indiana Jones and National Treasure. So it isn’t too surprising that it got a movie adaptation. However, video game movies are known to be bad so I didn’t have high expectations. Does Uncharted continue this video game movie curse or finally break out of the mould? The biggest thing I enjoyed about this film is the action sequences. They are fun to watch even though they are defying physics. The thing is though that the big action set piece is just ripped from the game. Tom Holland is a charismatic lead and it is clear he is still great at being the main lead in the film. It was also clear that Tom was giving 110% in the role. Antonio Banderas was also pleasant to watch as the villain. I love the charming yet cold nature of his performance. However, Tom Holland just doesn’t feel like Nathan Drake. His character is shown to be a thief a

A Review of “Ambulance (2022)”

  Michael Bay is one of those directors that I really admire. You can watch his movie and just know “that is a Michael Bay movie!”. He has a unique style and an absolute love for nonsensical action and explosions. An unfortunate flaw of Michael Bay is just the very dumb story and writing in his movies which is a slight shame. Therefore, I didn’t have high expectations for his latest movie but I was intrigued because legendary actor Jake Gyllenhaal was going to be in it. The premise is “Needing money to cover his wife’s medical bills, a decorated veteran teams up with his adoptive brother to steal $32 million from a Los Angeles bank. However, when their getaway goes spectacularly wrong, the desperate thieves hijack an ambulance that’s carrying a severely wounded cop and an EMT worker. Caught in a high-speed chase, the two siblings must figure out a way to outrun the law while keeping their hostages alive”. So is this one thrilling Bay chase or one that needed stopping? Fir

A “QUICK!” Review of “Moonfall (2022)”

  A character in this movie dies because their family members forgets about them. I really felt that…

A Review of “Death on the Nile (2022)”

This movie fixes a lot of the problems that the predecessor, Murder on the Orient Express (2017), had. Let’s get the obvious out of the way, the cast is great and Kenneth is still phenomenal as Hercule Poirot. The cinematography is still great as well and I just love how the colours pop out in its vibrancy. In terms of improvements, the cast and list of suspects is way less than in the first film. Due to this, we get to spend a bit more time knowing them. Secondly, how the clues are presented is way more effective and clearer than in the first film. This allows us the audience to easily digest the information so we can solve the mystery as well. Unfortunately, the characters still aren’t very interesting and I still forget the names of the characters. Likewise, the pacing is a bit slow and it even takes over an hour before the murder and investigation even begin. There is also a ridiculous stupid origin segment for Poirot’s moustache which I just find so silly and made the

A “QUICK!” Review of “Murder on the Orient Express (2017)”

  I never read the book that this is based on or any of the previous movies or tv adaptions. This was my first experience with the famous title. Firstly, the cast are all great with special praise to Kenneth as the detective. He was just a joy to watch and seeing him spit rapid information when he starts to figure parts of the mystery out is a sight to see. I also really love the cinematography which was gorgeous. However, my big issue is the murder mystery itself. A good murder mystery film or show is one where we understand the suspects and the clues. This is so we as an audience can learn and deduce it ourselves while the detective is solving it. The problem is that there is 13 suspects and only a 114 minute run time to explore them. Unfortunately, the suspects all feel one note and forgettable, with me not even remotely remembering what their name was. Some clues are also a bit too vague and I never felt like I was provided enough information at times. It got ridiculo

A “QUICK!” Review of “The Book of Boba Fett (2022)”

  It baffles me that THIS was the direction they went with in a show about Boba Fett. They managed to make him dumb, boring and uncool in his own show. He literally gets overshadowed by every other character. 2 of the episodes aren’t even about Boba Fett and it is a 7 episode show! After the great 2 seasons of Mandalorian, this is a big step backwards in Star Wars shows. If you ignore how much it butchers Boba Fett as a character, the show is still relatively enjoyable and the final episode is a pretty fun action sequence. It is a shame that they made Boba Fett’s show just an advertisement for Mandalorian season 3 rather than create an exciting show centred around the character.