Uncharted is one of the best action-adventure video game franchises. It was like an interactive film that was inspired by films such as Indiana Jones and National Treasure. So it isn’t too surprising that it got a movie adaptation. However, video game movies are known to be bad so I didn’t have high expectations. Does Uncharted continue this video game movie curse or finally break out of the mould? The biggest thing I enjoyed about this film is the action sequences. They are fun to watch even though they are defying physics. The thing is though that the big action set piece is just ripped from the game. Tom Holland is a charismatic lead and it is clear he is still great at being the main lead in the film. It was also clear that Tom was giving 110% in the role. Antonio Banderas was also pleasant to watch as the villain. I love the charming yet cold nature of his performance. However, Tom Holland just doesn’t feel like Nathan Drake. His character is shown to be a thi...
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