I never read the book that this is based on or any of the previous movies or tv adaptions. This was my first experience with the famous title.
Firstly, the cast are all great with special praise to Kenneth as the detective. He was just a joy to watch and seeing him spit rapid information when he starts to figure parts of the mystery out is a sight to see. I also really love the cinematography which was gorgeous.
However, my big issue is the murder mystery itself. A good murder mystery film or show is one where we understand the suspects and the clues. This is so we as an audience can learn and deduce it ourselves while the detective is solving it. The problem is that there is 13 suspects and only a 114 minute run time to explore them. Unfortunately, the suspects all feel one note and forgettable, with me not even remotely remembering what their name was. Some clues are also a bit too vague and I never felt like I was provided enough information at times. It got ridiculous when the movie reaches the climax and there are suddenly a bombardment of revelations that seem to come out of left field.
Nevertheless, it is still a fun mystery and there is definitely enjoyment to be had. Plus Kenneth has an amazing moustache.
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