What interested me most about watching this film was that it was WWI, which we don’t see as much in films compared to WWII, and the fact it was from the German side instead.
What stands out the most is the amazing production value. The set design, the costumes and the setpieces are all phenomenal. They perfectly portray the horrific, dirty and brutal nature of the war. The actors are all great in their roles as well. Felix Kammerer plays the main character, Paul Bäumer, and he gives a terrific performance in showing Paul’s gradual loss of idealism throughout the movie. The cinematography by James Friend is oddly beautiful with some gorgeous wide shots that contrast the closeup shots of the War with its grimness. The music score by Volker Bertelmann is quite odd as well with its sudden thumping horns but they work in elevating the tension by foreboding what’s coming.
My only complaint is that the film is quite predictable. It goes through every trope you would expect from a ‘War is bad" movie and nothing in the plot surprised me whatsoever. It’s also a little difficult to care for the characters as we barely spend enough time with them apart from the main character and an older soldier called “Kat”.
Apart from that, it is quite a stellar war movie that still delivers on the cruelty of World War I.
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