Christopher Nolan is one of my favourite directors operating today. He makes some of the most entertaining movies in modern cinema. Even at his worst, such as with his last film Tenet, it is still way more entertaining than a majority of movies released. After the Warner Bros same-day streaming debacle they pulled; Nolan left for Universal and this is his first film with them. Does Nolan continue to deliver or has he dropped a big bomb?

Cillian Murphy has been a long-time collaborator with Nolan but this is the first time he is the main lead. He is PHENOMENAL as the titular character. He gives such nuance to his performance through body language and facial expressions alone to convey the emotion of his character. It is such a breath of fresh air from the normal yelling Oscar performances you see. He is genuinely perfect at Oppenheimer and if he doesn’t get a nomination for his performance then I will be fuming! One surprising aspect of watching this film was how stacked the cast truly was. There are so many well-known actors in here that I didn’t even know was even in the movie. Every supporting actor is terrific in their roles, even if it was a very minor role. The biggest standout amongst the supporting actors has got to be Robert Downey Jr as Lewis Strauss. He gives a spectacular, compelling and even frighteningly realistic performance that makes his character stand out from the crowd. It is great to see him in a non-Marvel role and knock it out of the park. If he doesn’t get a nomination for the best supporting actor then I will be also fuming!
This movie is 3 hours long but you won’t even feel the length because of the amazing pacing. Despite being a drama, it never drags or bores you. It moves from scene to scene very quickly in a non-chronological order but you’re never lost either. There are lot of scientific jargon which is to be expected as this is about the making of the nuclear bomb. However, the excellent screenplay makes these relatively understandable so that non-scientist can easily comprehend what’s going on. There is some great political tension in the 3rd act as well which was handled masterfully. In terms of story, it is juggling a lot with Oppenheimer’s early life, the making of the bomb and the aftermath. Despite this, Nolan does an amazing job of exploring the character of Oppenheimer which shows all aspects of him, including his flaws. The constant build-up and tension to the bomb is incredibly engaging!

Ludwig Goransson, the composer of Tenet, returns for this film. His music score is wonderfully haunting with his use of violins. His music score illustrates the horror of the actions of these scientists. Hoyte van Hoytema also returns as the cinematographer. His cinematography is visually stunning and this is thanks to the practical sets, natural lighting and real locations used. On that note, the use of practical effects and no CGI is just so awesome to see. Nolan thankfully didn’t use a real nuke but he still replicates it practically and it certainly shows! The realistic explosion meant it didn’t take us out of the movie as you don’t question the look of the explosion as it is real. When the explosion occurs, it is weirdly captivating and frightening to look at just like it was for the characters. The sound design is also a highlight as the sound of the explosion is impactful and even terrifying. The sound itself is the jump scare and it works. The only nitpick I have with this film, which is a common problem in Nolan movies is sometimes I just can’t hear what the characters are saying because of the weird sound mixing. It isn’t as bad here as it was in Tenet but it is still a problem.
Overall, what an amazing movie from Nolan! This is a monumental and engrossing achievement from him. Nolan is one of the few directors whose name alone is enough of a reason to watch and Oppenheimer does not change that. He successfully made a 3-hour biopic drama, the most entertaining film of 2023. Oppenheimer isn’t one of those Oscar-bait movies that were made to just win an Oscar. It was made to be enjoyable for everyone and that is why this film should win best picture. This is a must-watch for everyone as it is the best movie of 2023 so far!
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